death long distance coronavirus lockdown Life In The Times Of Corona Mother Daughter

Losing Mom Was Bad Enough But I Couldn't Even See Her One Last Time

( words)
*For representational purpose only.
We were a family of four people. My father, mother, elder sister and I used to live together in a happy and peaceful environment.

My parents raised both of us too well and always taught us to be independent in life. My elder sister is a responsible kid and she grew up to become a successful doctor and is having a very good job in a Government Hospital. Me, being the younger one in the family was a more pampered one, raised up like a princess. I was always the apple of the eye of my Mom, and she was totally dependent on me. I also managed to get a BTech (IT) degree owing to my parents' dedication.

Then as life went on, both of us got married and settled down in our lives with our family. My sister has two lovely daughters and I have a son. Both of us were always our parents' pride and they loved us unconditionally. After we got married, they continued living in our hometown.

But as life is not always sweet, after my son was born, say around some 10 years back, my mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and her condition kept on deteriorating with time. We always went to our parents' place. My sister being a doctor took good care of my parents and I also visited them whenever possible or whenever they needed immediate care.

Life was going on then suddenly Coronavirus landed in our lives. During the first lockdown, my mother felt unwell and was taken to the hospital. Within 3 hours of treatment she gave up and I received a call from the nurse saying that she is no more. It was April, and I live around 1600 km from my hometown and couldn't go back. I was not able to see my loving mother for one last time and could not perform her last rites.

It is still a nightmare for me and I'm having a really hard time facing this fact. This surely will haunt me for my lifetime. I really don't know whom to blame, destiny or Coronavirus.

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