Relationships heartbreak abuse Dear Ex Boyfriend Sex

I Lost My Virginity To A Man Who Only Wanted My Money

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

I belong to a lower middle-class family and come from a village. I was extremely studious till the 12th standard I went to a Government school in my area. For my further studies, I got admission in a medical college, in fact, one of the most reputed ones. I was a gold medallist till my 3rd year of college, but all of this changed once I joined Facebook.

I got a friend request from a medico student from another university. I accepted it and we began chatting. Within the first six months, he said he wanted to meet me. He lived in another city and to meet, we had to plan; I had to save money to book a ticket to meet him. I know you’re wondering why? It was simple, I was excited to meet him.

When we met, everything seemed absolutely fine. He picked me up at the station and I was a mixture of nervous and even had butterflies in my stomach. Of course, all of that suddenly changed, I found out that he had booked a hotel for me. And the reason he did that, was because he wanted to have sex with me.

What I thought to be love, care, and concern, was only lust from his side. He began showering me with love and during this time, he told me about his financial problems. I couldn’t believe he had hidden all of this from me; immediately, I gave him all my money.

I paid for the hotel and went home by train so that I could give him whatever money I had carried with me.

He was emotionally overcome and that night, we had sex. Overnight, he became my everything. Within a month, he asked me for some more money. My father had sent some cash for me to use for my studies, but I gave it all to him.

Once I gave it to him, he began demanding me for more money, around 50 thousand rupees. I had already given him 30 thousand before; this is when I realized that he was just using me. Immediately, I blocked him on Facebook and Whatsapp, from everywhere possible.

He kept calling me from different numbers and begged me for the money. I told him I didn’t have it and I wasn’t going to ask my father for it and even if I had it, I wouldn’t give it to him.

This went on for almost a year until one day, the calls stopped completely. Around two years later, I found out that he had a new job and was doing well in his life. I called him, I wanted my money back.

He began abusing me and even asked me if I was a prostitute. He even went to the extent of threatening me, told me that he would tell my father everything; about the sex, about our relationship, everything. He said he had proof and wouldn’t hesitate to use it against me.

I was shattered and devastated. How could someone, who had all of my love, turn into this monster? How could I have been so stupid? It took me a while to forget him, but I did and I moved on. I even completed my education successfully and got a job in a Government hospital.

He’s going to be the biggest regret in my life; I lost my virginity to someone who didn’t deserve me. It was never about the money, all I wanted was respect, and maybe even an apology because of what he did to humiliate me.

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