love story failed relationship

I Lost My Fiancé Over a Misinterpreted Phone Call.

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

You left, and I cried tears of blood! 

It's not just that you just left, but you left with my heart, body, eyes, and soul. 

Ours was a perfect relationship, but just one phone call changed everything.

I was going to see my fiancé off at the airport, but my phone rang just as he was departing. It was an old friend whom I hadn't spoken to in six years. 

Our conversation went something like this: 

Hello Rhiyan, are you partying? 

Of course, I had no idea what he was talking about, but since my phone was on speaker, my fiancé overheard the conversation and, just like that, asked me to part ways with him. He thought I was lying. 

I've never cheated on him, and nor have I ever lied to him. And yet, just like that, we aren't together anymore. 

It's so strange how your loved ones become your enemy. I'm still trying to figure out how to make this relationship work, but I don't know what plans destiny has for me. 

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