Since I Lost My Mother, I Never Found A Person Who Could Love Selflessly…
It is important to write something about me, my thinking, my values, my drawbacks, and my principles to know why I am alone.
I see myself through the eyes of the world. I am not practical; I live in a dream world that does not exist now.
Some people say I belong to the 15th or 16th century, or that my thinking is stuck in that era. Why? Just because I believe in the following things in life:.
I believe in love; it's not physical; it’s a love that touches the soul.
I love everyone in the world, even if I don’t know any of them.
I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I am vegetarian, I don’t use abusive language even when talking to friends. Girls don’t find me attractive as I don’t go to them, I don’t wear fashionable clothes,
I believe in simplicity, I give value to the word, I am a man of words.
I don’t take pressure to make myself attractive to impress girls, I am straightforward, I don’t do false praises, I don't want women with self-centred and selfish attitudes as I care for everyone.
All these qualities are enough to make me alone in this world, and the biggest drawback is that I don’t give much value to money, even though I consider it to be important to live, but it is not everything.
I believe in a joint family, and I like to fulfil my social responsibilities before taking care of myself. I might like a girl who believes in and understands Indian culture, knows how to love and respects everyone, and thinks for the country.
I lost my mother recently, and since then, I have never seen anyone in this world who could love selflessly.
These are a few qualities that I believe will leave me alone in this world.