teenager optimism summer holidays coronavirus lockdown Life In The Times Of Corona corona journal

Fortunately, I Finished Writing My Board Exams Before The Lockdown Began, But...

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

These are troubling times indeed. How we choose to act and whether we remain brave and safe, or not is entirely up to us.

In the summer holidays, I dreamt of playing all sports, visiting friends and relatives and going to grandparents’ place, but none of them happened. I am fairly sure, that they won’t even happen in the near future. Recently, I wrote my board exams. Fortunately, they were finished before the lockdown came into effect. Others were not as lucky as me, they had their exams postponed. Not only people of my age, but this Coronavirus has heavily affected the lives of adults. Their work has been disrupted, jobs lost, many are put in quarantine and numerous are failing to make a steady income.

My understanding right now is that the economies of all countries are falling drastically, the death rate is increasing rapidly and fear among people is spreading like wildfire. Right now I'm not sure if wildfire spreads faster or the coronavirus does, actually. 

In the lockdown period, I have only gone out of my house once, that too to a supermarket. I had to wear a mask, as it was mandatory, and at the entrance I cleansed my hands with a sanitiser. Although all these precautionary measures have been established by the government, many are still being infected with the virus. I sincerely hope this does not become an apocalypse. They're great for gaming, but not for real life! 

In this devastating situation, many are looking on the positive side, including me. It feels like I have all the time in the world, to do whatever I want. So, I have been writing stories, doing home workouts, practicing a bit of coding and of course studying. Not only me, but my parents and relatives too are on the same side of the fence. My father has become more health-conscious and is exercising, my mother is constantly cooking up new delicious dishes and my uncle is enhancing his skills by attending various courses online. This is not a time to revolt against the government for imposing a lockdown, but a chance to rebuild and reinvent ourselves.

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

So, let us stay optimistic, maintain hygiene, socially distance ourselves and remain clean. The virus may be deadly but at least we'll be together (at a safe distance) against it. 

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