The Magic Of Choosing Kindness Over Everything Else In The World

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*For representational purpose only.

Growing up, I often read the column 'Kindness of Strangers' on the Readers' Digest Magazine. I was a child then but those stories moved me. I may not have known much about how the world is filled with treachery, sadness and people hell-bent to cause harm to others but I sure did know how happiness felt.

I grew up and met people who wanted to outdo each other’s badassery, I felt sadness, loneliness, hate and hurt. I figured that sometimes these things happen and being good and nice is not too easy a task because people will walk all over you being ingrates and throwing spit at your efforts because we are nothing but human.

The human nature may be baffling and cunning but there’s a feel-good attitude one gets when they do something nice to or for someone else. I don’t know about you but heck, I’ll walk a mile smiling at anyone just because I feel good. Humanity is not so far gone as some people would like to believe. Maybe change the circle you keep or get yourself more out there, then you will see, hear and learn of so much that you thought people no longer do because it’s not cool and/or outdated. Here’s my story of one bus driver.

In April of 2013, (can’t recall the actual date.) I was on my way home from Nairobi. I was so distracted. No, I was depressed. So much had been going on in my life and I just didn’t know how to deal with any of it. Yes, I was suicidal but hey, here I am now. I boarded this bus and sat at the front with my luggage at the back. Nothing pretty much happened as soon as we left the stage.

I remember this driver had tuned in to 'Classic 105' though and he was even singing along and that made me smile for a bit. I was tangled up in my thoughts for the better part of the journey but at one point, we started to have a conversation. I don’t remember the details of everything we talked about. Actually, I remember nothing we talked about but I remember how I felt during and after that conversation. I remember feeling light-hearted like suddenly the burdens that had been wearing me down had been lifted.

I don’t know how he knew I needed cheering up but damn, in my head, I remember asking, “Have you ever met a stranger and you feel like pouring out all your frustrations but then again, that may freak them out.” So I kept my stuff to myself and decided to enjoy the music and conversation instead.

I remember laughing hard and feeling grateful for being there, at that moment.

My sandal straps came off and he offered to take it to the shoemaker. We had already arrived at the stage and this happened as I was alighting. As I waited, I still weigh the option of pouring out my s*** to him besides, what are the chances that we’ll ever meet again, right? Five minutes later, he reappeared with my sandal. I offered him cash and he declined. Said it was okay and he did it because he wanted to help. I said thanks, picked up my luggage and off I went. He wished me a safe journey and told me to take care of myself.

Fast forward to one week. I’m at the stage and this bus is empty. I’m afraid of getting too late but my mind’s made up on going home so I just chill. The conductor persuasively tries to make me board because it’s about to rain and I’m like, Nah. Then I hear the driver’s door shut and guess who? Yea, you guessed it right. At that particular moment, I knew I was going to board that bus whether I get late or not.

I’m just going to fast forward this part. HE REMEMBERED ME! Yes, by name actually. I had said hi and told him that 7 years ago, he ferried me in a bus and that day, he touched my life and yes, I was in a bad place then but he made me remember that there’s more to life.

He went like, “Wow! Josephine, that was your name right?” Haha I’m kidding. He went like, “Ummm…what was your name? Mmmmh….it started with mmmh...” I offered to help and that’s when he went like, “Wow! Josephine, you have a really good memory. I’m glad I was of help to you.” We talked a little more and then he joked, “Ile kumi yangu si unirudishie sasa. Wewe si katoto ka shule tena ukona pesa sasa.” (Read: You can now refund my ten bobs. You got money now, you’re no longer a student.)

Who said students are always broke though? I told him I was going to buy him whatever it is he takes because this is fate and I’m grateful.

Be nice to people, however hard it may be sometimes. However much they hurt you, it doesn’t matter as long as you let it go. Don’t go for revenge because you can and it’s sweet to watch them suffer.

I mean, even the Bible says, "We forgive 70*7 times."

Then again, people will treat you how you let them treat you. You let them walk all over you because you are nice, then that’s up to you. Being nice doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t stand up for yourself.

It is true that people may forget what you said to them but they will never forget how you made them feel.

Have a NICE week, won’t you?

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