Relationships break-up heartbreak pregnancy indian man fatherhood \ Love

She Left Me And Aborted Our Baby And Now I'm Waiting For Fatherhood To Come Back

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

I choose to be happy despite all odds and experience what life has to offer. It is easy to manage with loss of wealth but getting emotionally broken hit me really hard. It changed my world upside down when I faced the reality of love. I married a girl who I thought will stand by me through thick and thin. I believed that she loved me more than I could imagine and was having a great time with me. Things were great in the first few days of marriage but soon it changed into my worst nightmare.

Small arguments started out of petty issues which I chose to ignore initially by keeping calm thinking it might be temporary, became big deals.

I couldn’t find a reason why she was doing all that, comparing mine with her father's income. Even though I was earning more, praising her brother-in-law and picking up fights to prove that she was superior. I felt all that love and care and compassion was over between us, what was left was only fights to prove superiority. The worst happened when I faced a downfall in my business and had to shut down one of my sales offices. I was mentally disturbed and needed some support from my partner. She was not even bothered to ask what went wrong and why I was so disturbed. She just needed her birthday to be celebrated the way she wanted.

I talked to her and told her about the situation I was going through and to my surprise, she slept while I was still talking. With tears and a heavy heart, I too went to sleep but things were getting bad everyday.

A few weeks later, a happy news knocked our door, yeah she was pregnant and we were having our first baby. I cried out in tears of joy and was literally dancing, at that moment I forgot all the worries that I had been carrying for the past few weeks. After this news, a new series of arguments started every day and one night we had a big argument as she wanted me to change our accommodation on the recommendation of her father and brother-in-law. Next morning, she asked me to drop her to her home as she wanted to meet her parents and asked me to pick her up in the evening. I dropped her home and while leaving from the office I called her but her phone was continuously ringing without any answer, and she messaged telling me to pick her next evening as she was out with her family.

We didn't speak the following night and next evening her father picked up the phone and said, “She is not well and may stay here for couple of days”.

Days turned to weeks but all efforts to speak to her was in vain, her checkup was due in few days but now her even phone was switched off. She was the girl I believed couldn’t stay a couple of hours without me, but things have changed. I called up our doctor to check if she came for the checkup, but the news I got was shocking and swept the ground off my feet.

The child was aborted couple of weeks back and her father signed the consent form, I was shaking while hearing this.

Later, I got to know when common relatives were contacted that she has no plans to come back and is looking for a divorce. The reason was not known but some baseless lies and stories were spread. I recalled all the moments I lived since we got married and I felt I was all alone from that day. Divorce was mutual but I was emotionally shattered. To overcome this was not easy but with faith and a strong hope to be happy again, I got re-married a couple of years later. I moved to a job and I am working as sales head in a top MNC.

Now, I am blessed with the girl I always dreamed of and I am going to be a father real soon.

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