A 14-year-old's life was tragically cut short, but his story can inspire change...
In a quiet neighbourhood in Ghaziabad, a terrible tragedy occurred, bringing immense sorrow to a loving family and serving as a painful lesson that certain dangers are still relevant.
It all started in early September when a 14-year-old boy, Shahbaz, began to show strange signs. He became scared of water and sunlight and stopped eating. His worried parents eventually learned the truth about what had happened.
A month and a half earlier, their neighbour's dog had bitten the boy on his leg. Instead of telling his parents about it, Shahbaz kept it a secret, fearing his parents' reaction, and tried to treat the wound with turmeric.
But the wound had already become infected, and the virus had spread throughout his body. When his parents finally learned the truth, they rushed him to the hospital, but it was too late.
Shahbaz was denied admission to the government hospital in Delhi, writes The Hindu, so his parents took him to an Ayurvedic doctor in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh. The infection had already taken hold, and the treatment was ineffective. As they returned home to Ghaziabad, the boy's condition worsened, and he passed away in his father's arms.
The pain of losing a child to such a disease that could have been cured is unbearable. Rabies is a dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention. If left untreated, it can cause a painful death.
Shahbaz's tragic case is a crucial reminder to educate our children and people around us about rabies. Explain that they should not hide any dog interaction.
Make them understand the importance of seeking emergency aid. Even if it's only a lick or a little scratch, and even if the dog has been vaccinated. One must see a doctor. In Shahbaz's instance, neighbours claimed that the pet had been vaccinated. (Via Hindustan Times)
The family-owned three Pomeranian-breed pet dogs and two Indian-breed canines for which they provided vaccination documentation. "She provided us with documents proving that the dog had been immunised. We will investigate if the dogs were pets or strays. If a dog is maintained as a pet, the owner is responsible for getting it registered and vaccinated. In the event of stray dogs, the corporation's appointed sterilisation and vaccination agency is responsible.
The agency is supposed to catch strays and sterilise and vaccinate them," stated a corporate official to Hindustan Times who did not want to be identified.
The loss of a young life is a tragedy that cannot be undone. If only the boy had informed his parents earlier, he could have received the vaccination and medication that would have saved his life.
The nation mourns the loss of this young boy and hopes that his story will serve as a wake-up call to all pet owners and parents.
Let us not forget the pain and suffering that could have been prevented! Let us take action to prevent such tragedies from happening again. Let us not forget that rabies is fatal.
Here are some helpful tips by the Neel, @theskindoctor13:
1. Accept that it might happen to you and your family. Ignorance is the source of complacency.
2. Bring up the issue with pet owners at your society meetings. Ensure that all pets have been immunised. A simple promise that the pet has been vaccinated is insufficient. Make sure that a copy of the pet's immunisation certificate is submitted to the society.
3. Separate children and dogs in play spaces in terms of time and space.
4. Advocate for leash rules in public places.
5. Educate your children. Inform them of the dangers and emphasise that any interaction with dogs should not be hidden from you.
6. If you have stray dogs in your colony, make sure that pet lovers in your community take care of their vaccinations and other requirements.
7. If a concerning dog is in or around your neighbourhood, follow local protocols for dealing with it. Always express your worries.
8. Regardless of your efforts, if a dog bite occurs, always contact a doctor in person, even if it's a scratch, and even if the dog has been vaccinated. A single visit is all that is needed. The same goes for cat or monkey bites.