When parents stand by you unconditionally

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*For representational purpose only.

Blessed are those whose parents believe in them, unconditionally. They are your biggest source of strength. They can bring you up or put you down in a jiffy. More often than not, you are what you are because of your parents. But humans are humans and humans err. They sometimes give in to the expectations of the society, not to sabotage your life but to make you 'fit in the society' as it wants you. So that we don't bear the brunt of being different.

Let me tell you a story.

A very long time ago, two people decided to paint a beautiful mango tree on a canvas. There was no scope to correct the painting once the stroke of the brush hit the canvas. The first line of the painting was the outline of the tree to keep a tab on how big they wanted the tree to look.

Then they painted the roots, big enough to hold the tree.They decided to let the trunk stand erect, strengthen given to it with every stoke of brown, orange and maroon paint. They spent a tremendous amount of time to paint the branches and the leaves on the canvas, the real essence of a tree... When they were done, they were happy with what they had 'nurtured'.

They called their friends over to showcase their piece of beauty, something they were really proud of.

The friends, although, had suggestions to better their masterpiece. And like most artists, they were open to criticism. They listened to all suggestions carefully and tried to comply with what the 'critics' had to say.

One asked them to paint a flower, to make the tree look more lively. Once on canvas, it looked out of place. They were advised to paint more flowers, but the result was not up-to-the-mark. Paying heed to their friends' advice, they drew different fruits on a mango tree because it looked dull with just the leaves and flowers. The mango tree they had created turned into an anomaly. It wasn't a mango tree anymore.

In this story, a tree is a child, the parents, its painters. The painter would always want the best for its painting. In the story, the painters lost their painting to the advises they obliged to.

This story is for those parents, who want their children to be themselves, no matter what the society says. The tree they have nurtured for so long will bear them the fruits eventually. They shouldn't try to advance the process because the others are not satisfied with the results.

Some trees take time to blossom, but believe you me, one day they surely will!

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