A Night That Still Haunts Me 

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

The depth of emotions that run through a mother as she holds her three-month-old child in her arms and rushes him to the hospital in the ambulance cannot be encompassed in words.
The echoing alarm of the siren keeps hammering your head like a nail in a wall. It is a nightmare, a misfortune that I went through, and I only wish that no other mother has to go through it ever in her life.

All this began when my son caught a mild cough and cold. As normal parents, we thought it was due to the changing climate or our recent relocation to a new state, but his condition worsened within hours, and we grew anxious. After rounds of consultations, tests and nebulizations in a completely new city, my child was diagnosed with acute bronchiolitis and was labelled ‘critical’. As a mother, my gut started churning, and it felt like my body was fighting within itself. I felt so lost as I rushed him to the ICU and only prayed that he would get better. His delicate body was covered in cords and tubings, leaving no space for me to even hold him in my arms, and it pained us to see him like that. After long hours with no good news, he finally responded to treatment and recovered over three days. I felt so relieved; it was almost like someone had allowed me to breathe again.

Even though some time has passed, a siren's wailing in the distance still sends shivers down my spine. The heartbreaking image of my child fighting for his life comes to mind, and I jump every time. Overcoming an experience of this kind has motivated me to share my knowledge about parenting and childcare; even if this benefits one mother, I will feel relieved and at ease.

My journey as a mother of two children, my 3.5-year-old daughter and 9-month-old son, has taught me valuable aspects of parenting and childcare that I want to share with people and help as much as I can.

Dear mothers,

Every child and every mother is different, with a unique story. Have faith that you are doing the best you can in your story, even if the whole world suggests otherwise. Go easy on yourself and dream big. Push yourself each day because no one else will do it for you. There is nothing you cannot achieve for yourself and your child if you put your mind to it. Be your own pillar and build a foundation so strong that no one else can tamper with it.
Be your own knight in shining armour and write your own unique story. Be unapologetically you.

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