If You Are Kind, You Are Everything

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*For representational purpose only.

Ever had the desire to write something? Because that's the only way you can bleed the pain not everyone can see.

It's a complicated situation where you want to scream, but you don't want people to hear your scream yet you expect them to understand what you're screaming. Too complicated? Maybe. Who am I to judge?

In life, you'll face many situations where you'll be tested. In some situations, you'll pass with flying colors. In some, you will fail miserably, but that's not the point. The point is how much are you willing to bend down to fight, to survive.

Can you give up who you're to become who they wanted you to be? I think the easiest thing to give up is something you no longer need. But how can you give up your moral values, the values that were instilled in you when you were a child, the values that were a guiding light in a dark street. Those are the values that differentiate you and the person standing next to you in a crowded bus trying to feel you somehow. Once you lose these values, be rest assured many things in your life will never find their way back.

Wealth returns, health returns, and even the lost love returns, but the lost values never return.

How broken the heart must be to fathom the thoughts of killing someone who has no voice, I can't even write an example to compare this atrocity.

You've been blessed with nature's most beautiful magic to give birth to another creature. To make a life out of almost nothing and yet the thought to let go because it disrupts your plan of life. Can somebody enlighten me on how selfish you have to become to think that it's okay to do that? Because I assure you that this doesn't come under the category of childish behaviour, it's not the decision of a brain, but of heart.

No matter how complicated your situation would be, giving a new life or taking away, that decision always comes from the heart. Rest everything around is a cloud of dust we like to call logic.

Either you're born as a pro-life guardian, or you're not. As simple as that, this is not something you can learn in life.

Be a protector in the world where everyone is ready to destroy anything that comes in their way, I don't know where the world is heading, but I do know that I have to do something to turn the winds away or else it will tear my home apart. And I'm sure as hell, I can't let that happen. Alone I may not be enough to make an impeccable difference, but who says you must quit before you even try.

When people ask me, what do I look in a person before I make an image of them in my mind, the answer was and will always be the same: "How they treat someone who can do absolutely nothing for them."

That defines who they are and how they were raised. That is the sole quality I judge, rest all habits are irrelevant in the long course of life. Everything in life comes down to kindness.

When you're kind, the worlds seem a little less bad. Choose kindness over pride. Be good to one another, because the world doesn't need another wealthy businessman to widen the equality gap. All we ever need is a kind person to stand with us through thick and thin.

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