honour killing shameless killing shame killing caste system caste fuelled criminality

When Will The Youth Start Applying Their "Education" To Bring About The Much Needed Change In This Country?

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

We often keep bragging and boasting and are really inquisitive about what's happening around the world, peeping into our favorite celebrities' lives, their lifestyle, their love life, broken relationships, tweet of the day, evaluating their credentials, unnecessarily trolling people and oh god.. the list seems endless.

What about the innocent human beings killed in the name of our deeply entrenched caste-system? Don't we share any responsibility towards our society ? Don't we feel the urge to raise our voice against one of the most horrendous crimes in our country?

 No doubt we are proud citizens of our country where people claim to be secular and ensconed in the ethical notion of democracy of the people, for the people, and by the people. However, it is a strange paradox, where people pretend to be devouts and worship different idols in the name of supreme power 'God', 'Goddess'(Durga), while the number of incidents of women being strangled and set ablaze are just alarming.

Well! Our actions speak much louder than our words. In the last few years, the number of such cases have shown an impressive growth trajectory and given us nightmares. Even today, people are shackled from the blind dependence of patriarchal notions and traditions. This has essentially propelled me to pen down my thoughts on this violent crime.

My question is to all those who have decimated or are on the verge of 'Shame Killing'. What is the fault of these innocent humans who are either in love with someone and plan of getting married ; or they only want to live life on their terms? Want to dress up according to their choice ? Is this a vecordious reason that is being considered as a theft to your social status ? You think that you can punish them because they are tarnishing your family image or defying your traditions? Who are you by the way to write down death sentences of innocent fellow humans?

Also, I would like to question all those who are associated with this inhuman crime : At the end of the day are you trying to prove your panjandrum by performing this act?

Sorry, to say but you are not humans. Really, I feel pathetic for those who are bluntly a part of this heinous crime. The very thought of even imagining that how can someone be so animalistic in killing their loved one's makes my blood boil. My apologies for using such harsh words, but I am helpless.

Unfortunately, there exists a lamentable catalogue of this poisonous crime, however no viable strategies have yet been implemented to completely eradicate this “Caste Fuelled Criminality”.

My only act of writing this article and sermonising would not work. I feel the youth of today is empowered with such a powerful tool of “education” that it can mark a major conflagration towards this crime.


  1. Creating awareness in people's mind : Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the mindset of the people(both men and women). And who else has the power to change the world? It is the youth of today who are the adults of tomorrow. However even before educating our children, don't we think that we need to change the mindset of our parents, who play a major role in shaping their child's life? Definitely yes.

    The bone of contention for such incidents can be attributed to parents who are not well educated and are being swayed away by patriarchial traditions that seem senseless in this globalized era.

    Let's make a remarkable effort and leave no stone unturned in sharpening their focus and creating a picture that is brighter, if not necessarily bigger than it has ever been.

    I completely agree that we cannot completely change the mindset of those who have been trapped in this vicious circle. However, one single step and initiative can change their perspective and slowly and gradually begin to see the world with new viewfinder. Educate both men as well as women about their individual rights.

    Right to equality, that is often treated as an alien concept in our society, needs to be drenched in their brains. My message is for all those who are reading this article, remember we not only have to think global, the time has actually come to start acting global as well.


  2. Immaculate Stringent Laws by the government: I strongly believe that India needs a rigid law that can sustain protection to self-choice partnerships and not let the offenders go scot free , who in the name of honour and traditions seek to obliterate that right. Yet government after government has dithered over it. Let's not solely depend on our government and keep waiting to take necessary action.

    The need of the hour is to pull up our socks now and as an individual contribute our share to eliminate this monstrous tyranny which has polluted, blemished, and colored our Indian democracy by the toxins generated as a result of this so called caste system .

“Change is the law of the nature and we should stop acting like marionettes and open our eyes in making this world a peaceful place to live in”

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