From My Diaries to Pride, I Can Love Anyone I Want!

( words)
*For representational purpose only.
Who decided to declare the colour red to be the colour of love? I suppose that’s where we started going astray on our path to inclusivity. 
As rebellious as it sounds, here’s my love story in pink, purple and blue! 

I first fell in love with a girl back in 2012.

Sadly, I come from an all-girls convent school with a potential dislike for men but a greater loathing for lesbians! I never confessed to anyone, and how could I? It was hell back then, or at least I thought so.

That’s when I started writing for the first time. I used to sit for hours scribbling in my diary about a love that was unacceptable and NOT red at all! I could not keep it in me anymore, and that is when I decided to talk about it. 

There was a girl in my class. I gave her my diary to read. That was the most stupid thing I have ever done! The next thing I know, my entire class knows everything about me. 

My diary was all over the place. I was ‘officially’ termed a lesbian; they labelled me as an OUTCAST.
Soon, I had no friends in class and was subjected to bullying now and then. Girls in my class used to tell me to maintain one-arm distance lest I should spread my ‘disease’ to them!

I didn’t stop scribbling over pages that never felt so revealing before! I wanted to burn my diaries. Thank God I didn’t!

After the decriminalisation of Article 377 in 2018, I came out as a proud bisexual. I finally feared no potential bullies.
I was in love with another girl in college. She turned out to be straight, and that’s not the point. She is a good friend even now. She scolded me for not telling her before (she just wanted to feel important).

Reciprocation of love was never an issue, but knowing that your love is a source of ridicule is. 

Knowing that I can pursue my love for pink, purple and blue is a huge comfort in itself! Go Pride!

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