Love romance extra marital affair Relationships Failed marriage

We're Married To Different People, And Still We Love Each Other...

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

We say that some love stories live forever. Most Bollywood movies say that.

Yeah, but this is about me, Kunal, an interior designer by profession, and Joysel, who is also from the same field.

I don't know where to start my storyline.

We're married to different people, and still we love each other. Crazy?

We first crossed paths at a furniture store where we both worked, albeit briefly - just for a month. At the time, I never imagined our friendship would sustain. After all, it seemed common for colleagues to drift apart once they parted ways from the workplace. I assumed our story would follow the same pattern.

But... destiny had some different plans.

One month working with her felt like 10 years. We insanely loved each other. We started having long, late-night conversations. hanging out for lunch dates. But suddenly, a twist occurred, and she left the job—the biggest pause in my life. My life came back to being boring. Because of some restrictions from her partner, we had to separate, but our souls are well connected. We missed each other, and she missed me more. It was 06.08.16 when we last met, and I had to wait until my birthday, 05.02.17.

Guess what she returned to my life. What a miracle.

I don't know what to say about this. We love each other so much, regardless of anything else. We can't live without each other, nor can we imagine it. Her name puts a smile on my face: "Joysel." We still meet each other, hug each other, and love each other. Most people say that whatever we're doing is wrong, but we don't think so.

I think she's mine. She's the perfect match for me, but we're in a situation where we can't marry each other.

Marrying might ruin two families, so we decided to stay as it is.

Our relationship is going well, but what's the future of this? We love each other more than our married spouses, but what's the consequence? I always look at her WhatsApp status. It says, “If it's meant to be, it'll be." Sometimes I feel that God made us meet. Believe it or not, we are not sexually attracted, but it's the soul we're connected with.

We can't imagine life without each other. I need a little help here.

We aren't happy with our spouses, but we are left with no option...

Sometimes it feels like we are never going to be together and have a happy ending...

Sometimes I just wanted to go out of the country to get rid of this. I got a work visa, but I am unable to leave this country because I love her and can't stay away from her. She wants to join me overseas because she can't live without me either. On the other hand, my wife's after me to get settled overseas.

I'm falling for Joysel every day. My love for her is growing stronger and stronger.

I just want her in my life, regardless of her unpleasant past. I don't care about anything; she's just stuck in my heart.

People call me crazy because of this.

The final verdict is... I know that. I'm the one who can only make her happy.

She also knows that. I wish that I wasn't married.

I don't know what's going to happen next, but we are continuing to love each other regardless of what people say.

If we are meant to be together, I'll give her a white wedding gown and say “I do forever”. Hence for now we are going with the flow. Whatever has to happen will happen...

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