mom from hell SAY NO TO ABUSE child abuse parent child relationship torture culture shock

18 Years Later I Found Out Who My Dad Was, Now I Wish I Never Knew...

( words)
*For representational purpose only.
In the grand story of life, there's a tale that's quite different from the usual stuff. It's about a girl who had a pretty comfortable family life, at least in terms of money. But her parents were too busy with their jobs to think about her. So, she was mostly brought up by her grandparents.
Things got tricky when she was just five years old. Her mom had a big fight with the family, and she got taken away to a place called Ramshai. 
This wasn't your typical hostel with bunk beds and college vibes. It was more like a place where they barely had enough to eat. Imagine going hungry even when you were starving! 
She spent a whopping 11 years in this place without proper allergy meds, and she had asthma, too. No inhaler for two whole months. That's tough, right?
Her mom didn't pay much attention to what she said. She only moved when things got life-threatening. Her childhood was a mess, and she hardly had friends. 
Partially because her mom locked her up at home when she was at work. Looking back, she realized that was a bad situation. She was home alone for 10 to 11 hours a day, and her mom didn't talk to her like a real mom should.
By the time she hit the sixth grade, she started suspecting her mom of having an affair with a close uncle. But she didn't want to believe it. Her mom would tuck her into bed and then call some of "her" relatives, crying about how her daughter was ruining her life. She was a disciplined and well-behaved girl, mind you.
 First, it was verbal abuse, and she got used to it. Then came the physical abuse when her hostel closed down in the tenth grade. 
Her school was close to home, and she made a great friend. He helped her see the difference between her life and what normal teens had. She didn't even know who her dad was and had no access to the phone or internet. Odd, right?
So, she started sneaking out and taking walks around the neighborhood with her friend. But one day, her mom caught her. What followed was a brutal beating with sticks, no food or water, just rabbit meat, which was really tough for her since she loved animals.
It took her about six months to gather the courage to tell her friend about her dad. He decided to find her dad on the internet, and what he found was a complete turnaround from what her mom had told her.

The proof was in the messages on her mom's ancient Nokia E63, and it confirmed her suspicions—it was that close uncle.
At just 18 years old, she found her voice and spoke up against her mom.

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