girl child single mother indian family indian woman dowry case section 498A

They Thought She Would Die And When She Didn't, The Real Dowry Harassment Started

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

It was a regular day. With kids at school and hubby at the office, Tia was enjoying her 'me time'. All daily chores were finished by her daily help. With the first sip of tea, she got a beep on her phone with a message in the FB messenger. "Hey! Are you Tia from Xavier's?". Tia immediately recognized her nursery mate and typed, "Yes, of course! And I remember, you are Arti". How can I forget you, I always liked your name. Soon they exchanged their numbers and started talking to each other. Along with all memories, they also discussed their marriage and spouses. But, after listening to her friend's story, Tia was heartbroken with tears rolling down her eyes.

Suddenly in front of her eyes, the whole story flashed. How pretty and charming her friend was, who was happily brought up by her father and her stepmother (She was lucky to have a good one). Like other kids, she was also the apple of her parent's eye, a princess of her own little kingdom. But, mother nature was not in the mood to retain her happiness and she lost her Mum. This shock gave her heart disease and she had surgery at the age of just 15, and this disease became the reason of her screwed up married life.

The guy's family, when they approached Arti's family for the first time, they looked so Godly. He was well behaved and an average, nice, earning guy which was sufficient for this marriage.

They got married. But, reality started unfolding from the very next day of their wedding, when all well-behaved people around her turned into the devil. They knew she has a heart problem and her late mother had left some properties for her. It was the best way to grab it as they were sure that she will die during pregnancy and they will come out of this hassle without any problem.

But, God always has a different plan and she survived with a beautiful daughter, which made them so furious that they started torturing her and kicked her out of their house. She was guilty of not dying - supposedly, a big crime which she had committed to make her husband's family hate her and make her life hell.

When the torture became enough and intolerable, Arti decided to move on in life all alone with her daughter, the reason why she has to be strong in life. Since then, it has been many years now but, she is still fighting the long-run dowry case, along with her little kid.

She pursued her PhD recently and has now become a teacher. A part of her has died forever. Once a pretty and happy young Arti, can never be the same again. Life has thrown at her very bitter experiences which have changed her forever.

Trying hard every day, with no plans for herself, she has only one goal in her life now - to give her daughter a good life.

As we all are busy and happy in our lives, Arti continues fighting every day with society and its rules with a smile on her face.

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