Love Relationships break-up heartbreak best friend indian man

We Are Still Best Friends Even After Our Breakup But I Can't Stop Loving Her

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

They say that the couple who stays friends after their break up, are either still in love or there was no love, to begin with. I don't know what goes for my case. I fell in love with a girl name Kavya (name changed). She joined my school in class 9. This was not love at first sight. We would talk once in a while. My school was in a small town where talking to a girl triggered teasing by peers, in class. As my school was only up to 10th class, we had to change our school after that. We both moved to different cities.

There was no contact between us till the end of class 11.

One day, she called me, we chit chatted for a while about how everything was going on in our lives, etc. After that, we started talking regularly online. I started having feelings for her. Then again we could only talk a little, due to 12th boards pressure. We were in the Science stream after all. After 12th boards, we would talk for 3-4 hrs a day. She became my best friend and I was head over heels in love with her. We moved to different colleges for pursuing B.Tech in different cities. We started to talk a lot and shared almost each and everything. In the first year of college, I proposed to her over the phone. She said nothing. But this didn't affect our friendship. I would express myself to her once in every few days.

After about two months of proposing to her, she said YES. That was the happiest moment of my life.

After being in a relationship for about 2 months, one day she broke up with me. When I asked her the reason, she said it was all only attraction. I agree that I am just an average looking guy with little fat. But I love her a lot. This totally shattered me from the inside. We stopped talking. One day she called me and started crying over the phone, saying that we were best friends.

We can remain best friends, because break up doesn't mean our friendship is broken.

Then I promised her to be in touch, after all, I still love her a lot. We started talking again. She knows that I still love her and I told her many times again that I love her. After that, we have been on short trips twice. But we are not in a relationship anymore. I don't know what situation I am in, right now. She still shares everything of hers with me. And I am falling more in love with her with each passing day. I don't know what I should do.

All I know is that I can't live without her.

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