I'm Grateful I Put In The Effort To Earn This Title.

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*For representational purpose only.

One day, I was teaching my students that they should follow their passion. Then, I asked myself, "Am I doing what I was telling my students to do?" This question made me realise the importance of passion. Following that, I immediately switched my profession to the sports line.

Nobody in my family supported me as I had to leave my home to pursue a career in powerlifting.
It was hard to leave my place, as I had to travel to Mumbai for training, and I struggled to locate housing there. No one can progress without encountering challenges. My journey has not been easy. Because there is a strict discipline, diet, and set of regulations that must be adhered to constantly, I had to intellectually, emotionally, and physically prepare before starting my training.

It's a persistent stereotype that only men can work in sports. Such a mindset has become the foundation for our society's prejudice towards certain professions. When I started powerlifting, I frequently had to deal with similar issues. My coach inspired me and always had faith in me, which later increased my morale and allowed me to succeed.

Usually, women don't make a career in this field because they lack proper knowledge.

Also, they are born into a society that discriminates against every profession based on gender.
One should not step back from these gender-biased things. My message to women is to choose a path for themselves where they have an interest and give all their energy to become successful in that particular field. And every woman needs to be financially independent in today's time.

I never consider people my competitors because I am my biggest competitor, but when they do, they put out great effort to overcome me, which only serves to strengthen me. My family also supported me when I was doing well in powerlifting.

The thing in society which I feel is wrong is that the same amount of money is spent on education and sports, yet most parents encourage their kids to study and never motivate them to go to the sports field. Sports are not given due recognition in our society.

I was able to achieve my goals with the help of my coach, family, and relatives. But when I won the strongest women's championship in Asia, some individuals in our federation were not pleased to see an Indian win this title. They made more effort to lower my spirits. I became upset during that time, but once again, my coach helped me get through it and made me stronger to deal with similar situations in the future.

Emotional breakdowns happen to everyone in some or other phase of their life.
But one should not get demotivated by them because they are the only ones that make a person resilient and more competent in life. If I had followed societal norms, then I would never have been able to bag Asia's strongest women's title. Choose a career of your interest, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

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