The Call That Changed My Life

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*For representational purpose only.

We, as women, play many roles. We are a daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, wife, and mother; these names become our identity. Struggling to fit into these different roles, we forget who we are and lose an independent sense of self. When I became a mother, I thought of leaving my job to focus on my new role, but I remember my husband saying,

“You are not only a mother; you are Yashika too, and don’t forget her."
His words made me retain my true identity, and ultimately, I led a happy life — a life with a loving husband, caring in-laws, and a newborn.

However, everything changed within seconds as my phone rang.

Over the phone, I heard a voice that said, “We lost him,” and the world came crashing down on me.
Due to the pandemic, I lost my husband; the devastating news screeched in my head, and I felt a loss of direction. I slipped into a condition of despair, not knowing where life would lead me from here, and nothing made sense any longer.

As I dealt with the thoughts in my mind, my family urged me to get back to work. They asked me to gather myself again and restart. While my two-year-old son kept asking about his father's return, I realised I needed to move on for his sake. I knew I would now have to be both a mother and a father. It will be me who will scold him, but I will also have to be the one to spoil him with my love now. Recognising my newfound responsibility, I returned to work fifteen days after my husband's death. While society expected me to mourn, I established a new life. I needed to do more than merely survive and live; I needed to lead the life my child deserved. As my family supported me, I began to embark on a new path.

For those of you who believe that a single mother cannot properly raise a child, my story might come as a surprise to you. Maybe it all comes down to the love a child receives because a child who is loved is a child who will thrive. I say this because I know how we single mothers make it the purpose of our lives to see our children happy, and no one has the right to call our abilities into question.

Today, I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to be a mother. I believe that no matter how professionally competent I become, I will always be the best at caring for my child. I made many mistakes along the way and crossed many bridges. My experience taught me that it is okay to make mistakes or skip a day of laundry. It is acceptable to leave the clothing on the chair and go out by yourself. It taught me that, as exhausting as motherhood can be, it is critical to care for yourself and keep your identity.

To any single mother reading this, please do not doubt yourself. No one can do this task better than you. You are bold, you are fierce, and you are like a god in disguise for your child.

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