This Needs To Stop Before More Married Women End Up Dead At The Hands Of Their In-Laws…
( words)
*For representational purpose only.
In India, many households have the same issue of dominating and controlling laws.
Time and again, women marry into the chosen family that will be theirs forever after thinking they will be happy and surrounded by love, but the bubble bursts in a month or two, and then reality strikes like lightning.
They are in a loving marriage but in an abusive household. They scare your mind so much that you lose the confidence you once had in yourself. Nothing ever happens for a reason or simply because you are not enough to know the reason. If you try to fight back, everyone in the family except your husband jumps in on the fight against you, and then you simply don't know how to respond.
If you think about leaving, they mistreat their own son just to manipulate and torture you so as to enslave you in your own mind and let go of your desired freedom.
If you still muster the courage to move forward, they accuse you of every possible blame they can think of and fight your husband to try and turn him against you to stop you. When that doesn’t work well, then the community gets told stories about you being the bad *Insert relationship* (sister-in-law, daughter-in-law)
You think of moving out, and they start playing mind games with your husband, and the emotional melodrama is nothing short of the daily soap operas Ekta Kapoor shows.
It's like they inspired Ekta Kapoor, or maybe they take inspiration from the daily reruns of these shows.
What exactly will stop this emotional atyachar? I don't know.
But this needs to stop before more girls end up lost, mentally ill, or just dead for no fault of their own.