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My Friend Told Me To Stay Away From This Muslim Guy, I Regret Not Listening To Her…

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

I was in high school when this happened. Prior to attending high school, we were in Bangalore, but due to some family issues, we had to shift back to our hometown. My new friend was nice to me, and I didn't have any personal grudges with anyone. 

When I was in ninth grade, I had a best friend, Sumi (name changed). One day, when we were going back home from school, a bike passed us, and the guy sitting behind turned and looked back. I found him cute and told the same to Sumi. Shortly after, a young boy approached Sumi and handed her a note, pointing out the individual who had passed it. He was the same guy we saw earlier on the bike. 

Though Sumi was shit scared, I was too excited about it, as this was the first time she was approached by a guy. We didn't see him for a while. After a few days, he approached me and asked about the phone number and why he didn't get a call. I told him I do not know and he better ask about it to Sumi. 

He later clarified that the phone number was meant for me and not my friend. After that day, we started to hang out, and I used to call him daily. We became friends and soon got into a relationship, even though my friend advised me to stay away from him as he was a Muslim guy and I was a Hindu. 

There was a cold war going on between Hindus and Muslims, and my parents strictly told me to be careful. He was extremely popular and everyone started to recognise me as his girlfriend. During a holiday, I visited him and lied to my parents about having classes. He took me to his farm, and we went inside a shed. 

There, we got close and almost kissed but I did not feel comfortable, and pulled back. Later, when I went home, I realised that my mom had learned the truth and even tried to contact the guy. When she asked me, I told her that he was just a friend. Then she made me listen to the call recording that she captured while speaking to him. 

When I heard the recording, I was shocked to the core. My mom had asked him why he was hanging out with me, and his reply was, “First teach your daughter how to behave. She is a slut, and yeah, she has slept with me.” 

Since then, I have never seen him or contacted him. They say you remember your first love, and my first love was horrible, and I regret it.

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