Women Mother Love Boyfriend patriarchy wedding in-laws

My Boyfriend's Mother Cancelled Our Wedding Over A Phone Call And Blamed Me For It

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

We met on a dating app and became the best of friends. I used to share all my worries with him and he always made time to listen to them. We lived in different cities and so meeting each other was almost impossible, but despite knowing this, I started falling for him. I never confessed my feelings fearing that he might reject me. Eventually, my family started looking around for suitable guys to get me married. I told him about this.

But before I could get engaged to the boy my family chose for me, he flew down to my city and proposed to me. It was a dream come true.

But when he told his parents about us, they rejected me. After a lot of convincing on his part, they put a condition that I needed to shift to the city my boyfriend worked in. They said that they would agree to our match if they felt our mentalities matched after living close to each other.  I stayed there for two years and did all that was humanly possible. There, I also saw a side to his parents that irritated me quite a lot. In fact, because of all this, my nature too changed and I became short tempered.

My boyfriend and I started having a lot of fights and sometimes we would even hit each other. But at the end of these fights, we always used to go back to being the same old couple who was madly in love with each other. My boyfriend promised that he'd never leave me. Soon, we got engaged. We also came physically close to each other and our love grew more than ever before.

The cause of our fights was never personal, but issues we had with each others' families. However, the final blow came when his mother arrived in the city. He completely changed when she came to stay with him for a few days. I was still quite presentable in front of her.

But one day, he just told her everything- about all our ugly fights, how he found it difficult to cope up with my behavior, how I had made his life a living hell and even how I detested her and her daughter.

Hearing all this, his mother did not try to resolve our issues. Instead, she left the city overnight for her hometown with her son.

And then, over a phone call, she cancelled the wedding.

My family and I flew down to their place, wept, pleaded and begged them to sort out our issues but it was all in vain. Moreover, my boyfriend did not even come when these things were happening. He wasn't present along with his family when they were ending our relationship. They somehow convinced my family that I was a threat to their son and was a characterless girl who used to chat with several other boys on social media.

I still can't believe that the boy who could literally not live without me hasn't bothered till date to know how I am.

He couldn't forgive me for my behavior but I had been short tempered since the beginning of our relationship, why then did he punish me later for it?

There could have been an alternative decision. A decision where our relationship could have been saved by the efforts of both our families.

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