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It Was Humbling To Know That My Stories Were Making A Difference…

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*For representational purpose only.

When I look back to where it all began, it feels like stepping into a cosy, well-worn memory. I was twelve, curled up in my room with a notebook, trying to capture the storm of emotions swirling inside me. Writing became my escape, my way of making sense of the world. I yearned to feel every emotion deeply, to understand everything thoughtfully, so I poured it all onto the pages, almost like confiding in a trusted friend. Those scribbles were more than just words; they were the raw, unfiltered feelings of my heart and mind.

My love for writing didn't just appear out of nowhere. It started with my passion for reading.

As a kid, I’d get lost in books, transported to worlds full of wonders and possibilities. It felt like magic. I wanted to create that magic too—to tell stories that could take someone on a journey. Even though I hadn’t planned on becoming a writer, my first poem at twelve set me on this path.

Later, with my love for writing and reading, I majored in literature, which paved the way for writing my first novel "Whispers of the Seashore." Publishing my own novel was a dream come true. The support from readers was overwhelming. My inbox was flooded with messages, warm wishes, and encouragement from all over the world. Knowing that my words were touching hearts and sparking conversations between people filled me with a sense of happiness and pride. It inspired me to keep writing and sharing my stories.

I believe my mind is my church because my fascination with the human mind and its complexities has always driven the themes in my books.

I love exploring the human condition, especially mental health. Writing about social stigma, love, friendship, and the mysterious nature of the mind helps me understand what makes us human. My books are like journeys through the maze of our minds.

One of the most incredible and memorable moments was being featured in The North-Eastern Chronicle. The response from readers was amazing. My inbox overflowed with messages of support and kindness. It was humbling to know that my work resonated with so many people. This experience fueled my passion for writing even more.

For me, it’s not about the awards or accolades. My biggest achievement is the connections I’ve made with readers.

Their support and appreciation inspire and motivate me. Knowing that my stories make a difference in their lives is the most rewarding part of my journey.

Indeed, the path wasn't always smooth sailing for me. In the early stages of my journey, securing publishing opportunities was an uphill battle. I delved into research and navigated through challenges alone. Fortunately, the emergence of digital platforms has significantly eased the process for budding writers to showcase their talents. While I haven't personally encountered pervasive cultural stereotypes, I'm well aware of their existence within the industry. I firmly believe that with unwavering passion, any obstacle can be surmounted.

One of the highlights of my career was being invited to share my insights on a global platform. Engaging with fellow literary enthusiasts and esteemed colleagues was a true honour. It was humbling and exhilarating, validating all the hard work I’ve put into my writing.

There have been countless memorable moments, but one stands out. A reader once told me how much my writing had touched them. They shared their personal experiences and how my words had helped them through tough times.

It was humbling to know that my stories were making a difference in someone’s life. It showed me the power of storytelling and why I do what I do.

Looking ahead, I have a few exciting projects. I’m working on a collection of short stories and a new novel. I can’t wait to share them with my readers! Writing has been incredible, and I feel blessed to continue sharing my stories with the world.

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