This School Has Killed Me! Were The Final Words Written on The Note by Arvey!

( words)
*For representational purpose only.

February 24, 2022, two years have passed since Arvey jumped from 15 floors and left this cruel world. ''This school has killed me, especially higher authorities. Tell Ninna(Nani) and Bade(Nanu) Papa about my sexuality and whatever happened to me. And please try to handle them... You are wonderful, strong, beautiful, and amazing'' said the lines from the last note he wrote to me, his mumma.

Arvey was a bright soul full of talent and dreams; he was great at nail art; he wrote great songs; he made beautiful jewellery; and he wanted to become a fashion designer. But society had a hard time accepting him; his classmates teased him relentlessly, calling him hurtful names like "chakka" or "meetha (girlish or feminine)," trying to force him into their idea of what a boy should be.

I was a single mother and he was my only child.
Since losing Arvey, I've realised that getting justice for him takes courage and determination. I'm on a journey to stand up for what's right and carry on Arvey's legacy. Ankita and Jeet are the real hero, they held my hand at a time when no one was around and then I also got so many kids supporting me. Even though life moves on around me, my commitment to seeking justice for Arvey remains strong.

As Arvey's mother and art teacher, I witnessed firsthand the deep pain he endured. The school, which is meant to support students, failed him at every turn. Very later stage Arvey disclosed that he suffered through years of bullying that wore down his spirit. He shared this only when his mental health was triggered. Our complaints were ignored and were given false promises that they would take action but did nothing because they wanted to maintain the image and reputation of the school, not child safety and protection. This encouraged the other students to bully him further, and soon the verbal abuse turned into physical abuse he had hidden that too. Because, he was told by the boys that if he shared this with his mother, then they would rape him and his mom publically. He was threatened by those boys.

I still remember when Arvey told me, "Mom, I want to explore my sexuality." I encouraged him and showed him support, telling him to pursue what made him happy. He shared with me that he enjoyed wearing nail polish and jewellery.

The school authorities were unaware of topics like LGBTQ and mental health, and they kept telling us to stop discussing them or else they would expel us from the school. My son started getting panic attacks and this was a struggling time for us; these episodes of sexual assault and bullying triggered his mental health, so I decided to take him to therapy. However, it wasn't easy for me because I had to balance my responsibilities and work. As a single mother with a father undergoing dialysis, my son was struggling a lot, not to mention we had countless sleepless nights but who cares no one has helped us. Thrice a week I had to care for my father as well as he was on dialysis. Despite these challenges, supporting my son was my top priority, and I was determined to do so wholeheartedly.

The turning point in my life arrived in September 2021, when during a therapy session, Arvey shared that he had faced a sexual assault in the school restroom, where he was blindfolded by his classmates and told to strip. I was shocked and sad when we went to the authorities; they remained silent. For them, this was a very casual act, and they were telling us that it was just ''just nautanki or drama''. Your mother and son are just seeking sympathy; he has nothing. Further supporting the boys who did this. Arvey was getting better with therapies and never wanted to drop his year, my fighter son. But unfortunately, Arvey faced bullying from the authorities due to his dyslexia. Having dyslexia, Arvey needed a scribe for exams. Despite our repeated requests, the school failed to provide the necessary support. After many efforts, they finally arranged for a scribe. However, while the scribe was provided for exams in December, they were absent during the February exams. During exam time, the headmistress would come to the exam hall and shout at Arvey; these episodes triggered him again.

That night, I received a sudden call to come home urgently. I was at my father's place to provide medical help. When I arrived, it was too late.

My dear Arvey was gone; he had jumped from 15 floors, leaving behind a heartbreaking note about a world that was too harsh for his kind soul.

Since Arvey's passing, I've been fighting tirelessly for the justice he deserved. I've been going to the courts and fighting for him. I still have hope in our judicial system that I will get justice.

After Arvey's incident, I realised that there were a massive number of kids who couldn't ask for help and were facing struggles they couldn't express aloud. I was deeply moved and started my Instagram campaign. I soon discovered that many kids hadn't had the chance to share their feelings and experiences.

Seeing other children struggle made me think of Arvey, and I knew I had to do something. I started the Arvey Aesthetics Foundation in my son's name. My mission is to spread awareness so that no other child or parent has to go through the same thing. I hope that everyone will start supporting and addressing community problems so we can create a safer space for everyone.

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